'Everyday Lessons From Remarkable People 2' is the second book for the 'Everyday Lessons From Remarkable People' bilingual bible study series. This series aims to help us learn more about the characters from the bible and their lives. As we take a closer look at the Bible characters highlighted in this study, we will see people who were greatly used by God and also see a clearer picture of how God reveals himself and His love to people. Ultimately, the goal of this book is for us to put into practice what we learn from these characters and allow God to work in our lives.
1. 大卫(I): 领袖的诞生
2. 大卫(II): 悔改的王
3. 所罗门: 智慧的国王?
4. 以利亚: 勇敢的先知
5. 但以理(I): 壁上的文字
6. 但以理(II): 至死忠心
7. 约拿: 逃跑的先知
8. 以斯帖: 负有神圣使命的皇后
9. 马利亚: 耶稣的母亲
10. 耶稣: 世界的救主
11. 彼得: 耶稣的门徒
12. 保罗: 从逼迫者到传道人