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Since the beginning of time, God has been involved in people’s lives. The Bible tells us the story of the relationship between God and the people he created. <Everyday Lessons From Remarkable People> is a bilingual bible study material that will help us learn more about this amazing relationship. As we take a closer look at the Bible characters highlighted in this study, we will see people who were greatly used by God. We will also see a clear picture of how God reveals himself to people and how he shows us his love. Ultimately, the goal is for us to put into practice what we learn from these characters and allow God to work in our lives today.

1. Adam and Eve: A Broken Relationship
2. Noah: A Bold Believer
3. Abraham (Part 1): The Father of All Nations
4. Abraham (Part 2): A Test of Faith
5. Joseph (Part 1): A Man of Suffering and Blessing
6. Joseph (Part 2): A Man Who Forgave
7. Moses (Part 1): A Reluctant Hero
8. Moses (Part 2): A Humble Leader
9. Joshua: A Man of Faith
10. Gideon: The Hesitant Hero
11. Ruth: A Loyal Daughter-in-law




1. 亚当和夏娃:关系的破裂
2. 挪亚:信者无惧
3. 亚伯拉罕(I):多国之父
4. 亚伯拉罕(II):信心的考验
5. 约瑟(I):苦难中蒙福的人
6. 约瑟(II):选择饶恕
7. 摩西(I):勉为其难的英雄
8. 摩西(II):谦卑的领袖
9. 约書亚:信心的勇士
10. 基甸:迟疑的勇士
11. 路得:忠心的媳妇

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