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天韵专辑(五)- 是爱

虽然, 当时天韵团员分散各地, 但是, 因为深处的呼声, 相當清晰, 在信心里, 我们再度提笔, 只认定, 那位『创始』的主, 必要为我们成终。新歌陆续地诞生, 伴随而来的喜悦和責任, 也逐日加增, 几经祷告、讨论、修改的新歌, 盼望领人进入更深的敬拜、赞美, 同时, 也为慕道的朋友, 搭座信仰的桥梁。从『是爱』的专辑里, 愿我们的心弦, 常常被神亲自感动。。。

Although the Heavenly Harmony singers were dispersed to various places, the deep calling caused them to once again pen new songs, as an affirmation to the One who started and would complete a good work in them. The new songs were created through prayers, discussions, and editing, aimed to lead the hearers into deeper praise and worship, and to connect with the seekers. We would like to express our sincere thanks to the many brothers and sisters who helped us in various ways.

List Price:S$19.00
Your Price:S$15.00 (You save S$4.00)