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与信心有约(福建) Image
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天韵专辑(十一)- 与信心有约

约旦河、红海、西乃山…..早自遥远的初民时代, 以色列人便在摩西的帶领下, 来到上帝所应许「流奶与蜜」的地方。世世代代敬奉著上帝---耶和华。这些历史的片片断断, 我们都可以在圣经的诗篇中, 看到诗人的记述。这些诗歌的篇章里流露对至高者的仰望与赞美。「与信心有约」专辑的十一首诗歌, 大多取材自圣经中诗篇的章节, 另一些是先知对上帝的描述, 甚至也有对來日新天新地的写照。

Fragments of the history of Israel, from Moses’ leading the Israelites to the Promised Land, to wars, captivity, are vividly expressed in many of the psalms. Many psalms end in adoration and praise to the Most High God, despite the diverse circumstances the psalmists encountered. May the songs encourage your hearts that God loves us dearly. The album is available in both Mandarin and Hokkien.

List Price:S$19.00
Your Price:S$15.00 (You save S$4.00)